Workers Compensation
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Workers Compensation
What is covered by standard Workers Compensation in Florida?
Workers Compensation is an insurance coverage that is purchased by the employer of a business which provides benefits for job related employee injuries. Florida law requires all employers to purchase workers compensation coverage when their business has 4 or more employees.
All Construction Businesses require that every employee be covered.
At MAD Insurance we provide the most competitive rates for your business so you can have the proper coverage for your employees.
We specialize in helping our clients understand the complexities of workers’ compensation insurance. The purpose of workers’ compensation insurance is to provide employees with proper compensation for job-related injuries or illnesses. Although specific laws vary by state, workers’ compensation insurance is generally required of companies with W-2 employees.
Premiums are usually determined through a formula that includes a number of factors including salary, benefits and other variables. A remuneration number is then arrived at. It is used in conjunction with the risk factor classification of the job to arrive at the cost of the insurance. Premiums can also be adjusted by “experience modification factors”, which are standards set by the NCCI and other organizations for reducing premiums based on a company’s reputation.
Workers’ compensation coverage is important to the financial well being of your employees. We work with our clients to find the right coverage with quality insurance companies.
Contact us today for a no-obligation review of your workers’ compensation program.
Get in Touch
9050 Pines Blvd, Suite 415-418
Pembroke Pines FL 33024
Phone: 954.541.9232 / 305. 594.8696
Hours of Operation
9:30AM - 6PM
By appointment only
We are available 24/7 via text